Meskalis Memorable Espadin Joven - tekilos ambasada,

Mezcal Memorable Espadin Joven

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Category - Mezcal
Brand - Memorable Mezcal
Made in Miahuatlán, Oaxaca, Mexico
Agave - Espadin (Angustifolia)
Style - Joven
Capacity - 700 ml
Strength - 48.5%

Classic, fresh and fragrant to the last drop! Mezcal with smoky sweetness is perfect for a good dinner or just a nice sip.

Aromas: fiery, earthy with notes of spices, fruit, vanilla, butter cookies.
Taste: warm sweetness of roasted agave, citrus, melon, black pepper, hints of oak.
Aftertaste: long, mild, spicy.

This wild, Espadin agave mezcal is a purely handmade product. The natural life cycle of an Espadin plant is 6-8 years, and then the flowering process begins, which 'kills' the plant and leaves only the seeds. Agaves are harvested just before the peduncles begin to grow, when the plant is ripe and full of juice. Produced according to authentic methods: agaves are roasted in a pit lined with stones, then crushed with a tahona (a horse-drawn stone wheel) and naturally fermented in wooden vats. Distilled twice in copper vessels.

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