Mesklais Derrumbes Mezcal Michoacan

Mescal Derrumbes Michoacan

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Category - Mezcal
Brand - Derrumbes
Made in Tzitzio, Michoacan, Mexico
Agave - Cupreata 50% + Inaequidens 50%
Style - Joven
Capacity - 700 ml
Strength - 44.9%

Derrumbes Michoacan mezcal is an elegantly exotic blend of rich, savory and iconic agaves created using a unique ancestral distillation technique. Chino (Cupreata) agave adds ripe fruit notes, while Alto (Ineaquidens) adds a subtle herbal character and piney aroma.

The agaves are roasted in stone-lined earth pits using black oak and fermented in underground tanks lined with pine wood. Mezcal is distilled twice in a unique Philippine-style still that has a wooden body and condenses the alcohol vapors in a copper pot filled with water. This process creates a special mezcal character with a perfect balance of fruity and herbal nuances. Before the final bottling, the mezcal is poured into large glass bottles to rest for 60 days.

Aromas: light and subtle smoke, wildflowers, papaya, cinnamon, peat, burnt sugar, peppermint, vanilla
Taste: intense, sweet roasted agave, mint, herb butter, tropical fruit, peat, lime, burnt wood
Aftertaste: long, light and juicy, hot vanilla, herbs, smoke

We recommend it for light and pleasant sipping.

The respected owners of 'La Venenosa' and 'Don Fulano', E. Morales and S. Mendoza, decided to showcase the incredible biodiversity of the Mexican land in the form of Mezcal, and thus Mezcal Derrumbes was born, with only small village distillers from different states in its range. So we invite you to sip, close your eyes and take a trip through Mexico: Oaxaca, San Luis Potosi, Durango, Zacatecas and Michoacan.

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